
3.6 million eviction cases

Total Eviction Cases Filed in the United States

Evictions are often a last resort for landlords, but they can be costly and time-consuming. Fortunately, there are several strategies landlords can employ to prevent evictions while ensuring their rental business remains viable.

Know Your Options

Understanding the full scope of options available to you as a landlord is critical in managing rental properties effectively. From tenant communication strategies to legal considerations, being well-informed can help you navigate challenging situations more efficiently.

How Preventing Evictions Benefits Landlords

Preventing evictions can be beneficial for landlords in several ways:

  • Maintains Positive Tenant Relationships: Building a good rapport with tenants can encourage timely rent payments and reduce turnover rates.
  • Saves Time and Money: Eviction processes are expensive and time-consuming. Avoiding them can save legal fees and lost rental income.
  • Preserves Property Reputation: Frequent evictions can tarnish the reputation of your property, making it harder to attract future tenants.

Recover Back Rent - Apply for Rental Assistance

Many governments and organizations offer rental assistance programs to help tenants struggling with rent payments. Encouraging tenants to apply for these programs can help them recover back rent without resorting to eviction. Don’t stop there, ask tenants to apply for energy assistance and SNAP benefits.

Stay in Control by Working Through All Your Options

It’s important for landlords to stay proactive and consider all available options:

  • Payment Plans: Offer tenants facing temporary financial hardships a modified payment plan.
  • Rent Reductions: Temporarily lowering rent can help tenants stay in their homes and continue paying some amount towards rent.
  • Lease Modifications: Adjust lease terms to fit the current situation, like allowing for subletting.

Explore Forbearance to Pause Your Mortgage Payments

If you're struggling with mortgage payments on your rental property due to missed rent, consider applying for a mortgage forbearance. This can provide temporary relief and prevent you from resorting to evictions.

Understand Renting to Veterans, Service Members, and Military Families

Renting to military families can come with unique challenges and benefits. Understanding their specific needs and legal protections is crucial. For instance, service members have certain protections under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA), including in matters of lease termination.

Consider the Role of HOAs

If your rental property is in a Homeowners Association (HOA), understand how HOA rules and fees impact your tenants. Ensure compliance with HOA guidelines, as violations can sometimes lead to additional financial strain on both landlords and tenants.

An HOA (Homeowners Association) typically does not have the direct authority to evict a tenant, as eviction processes are generally a legal matter between a landlord and their tenant. However, an HOA can exert pressure or influence on the landlord if the tenant violates community rules or regulations set by the HOA. In such cases, the HOA may request the landlord to address these violations, which could potentially lead to eviction actions if the tenant's behavior is in breach of their lease terms. It's important for landlords within an HOA to understand their community's rules and ensure their tenants are also aware and compliant.


Preventing evictions is not only about safeguarding your investment but also about fostering a supportive community for your tenants. By understanding the challenges and employing these strategies, landlords can create a more stable and beneficial environment for everyone involved. Remember, a successful landlord-tenant relationship is built on communication, understanding, and mutual respect.


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