In managing a homeowners association (HOA), understanding the needs and preferences of your residents is key. Neighborhood.Online provides two user-friendly tools for this purpose: the Quick survey feature and the Comprehensive Survey feature. Each serves a unique role in collecting resident input, from simple surveys to more detailed feedback. Let’s explore how to effectively use these tools.

Quick survey 

The Quick survey feature in Neighborhood.Online offers a streamlined method to ask a single question to your community. Here’s how to utilize it:

  • Question Setup: Enter your question in the designated area. Ensure it’s clear and straightforward.
  • Participant Selection: Choose whether all residents or only registered users can participate in the survey. This depends on the type of feedback you’re seeking.
  • Response Options: In the provided area, add possible answers for residents to select. Once all options are added, you can easily embed the survey into your community page.
  • Results Analysis: To review the survey results, you’ll find them conveniently located in a specific section on your dashboard. This allows for easy assessment and informed community decision-making.

Comprehensive Form Survey

For more detailed resident feedback, using the form block is ideal. It allows for the creation of in-depth surveys, with accessible results in a designated dashboard area. Features include:

  • Form Customization: Add various types of questions, ensuring important ones are marked as required.
  • Diverse Question Types: This includes single-line text fields, larger text areas for extended feedback, checkboxes for multiple selections, date/time pickers, image/file upload options, and more.
  • Specific Fields: Utilize fields for numeric inputs, dropdown lists, address and phone number formats, URL and email inputs, rating scales, and calendar selections, among others.
  • Editing Flexibility: Adjust your questions or their order easily with a user-friendly interface.
  • Submission Options: Choose to store survey responses on the site or opt for email confirmations. You can also organize results in specific folders for streamlined management.

These features ensure that your surveys are not only effective in gathering information but also integral in engaging with your residents.


Whether you choose the simplicity of the Quick Survey or the comprehensive approach of the Survey feature, Neighborhood.Online equips you with the tools necessary for effective resident engagement. Both options are designed to be intuitive and seamlessly integrate into your HOA’s online platform. By using these tools, you can gather valuable insights to guide decision-making and enhance the living experience in your community.

Example End of the Year Survey for HOA Residents

Dear Residents,

As we approach the end of another year, we, your Homeowners Association (HOA), are dedicated to continually improving our community. Your feedback is essential in guiding our efforts and initiatives for the upcoming year. We kindly ask for a few minutes of your time to complete this survey, which will help us understand your satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.

Survey Questions

  • Overall Satisfaction
    • How satisfied are you with the overall quality of our community this year?
      • Very Satisfied
      • Satisfied
      • Neutral
      • Dissatisfied
      • Very Dissatisfied
  • Community Events
    • Did you attend any HOA-organized events this year?
      • Yes
      • No
    • If yes, how would you rate your experience at these events?
      • Excellent
      • Good
      • Average
      • Poor
      • Not Applicable
  • Amenities and Facilities
    • How satisfied are you with the maintenance and availability of our community amenities (e.g., pool, gym, park)?
      • Very Satisfied
      • Satisfied
      • Neutral
      • Dissatisfied
      • Very Dissatisfied
  • Communication from the HOA Board
    • How would you rate the effectiveness of communication from the HOA board?
      • Excellent
      • Good
      • Average
      • Poor
      • Very Poor
  • Neighborhood Safety
    • How safe do you feel in our community?
      • Very Safe
      • Safe
      • Neutral
      • Unsafe
      • Very Unsafe
  • Community Improvement Suggestions
    • What improvements would you like to see in our community in the upcoming year? (Open-ended response)
  • Additional Feedback
    • Please share any other comments or suggestions you have for the HOA. (Open-ended response)


Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback is invaluable and will directly impact our planning and decision-making for the next year. Together, we can make our community an even better place to live.

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