HOA Violations

Homeowners Associations (HOAs) are designed to maintain the quality of life in a neighborhood or housing complex, but they also come with their fair share of rules and regulations. While some rules are easy to understand and comply with, others can be more challenging to navigate. Failing to comply can result in some hefty fines. In this blog post, we’ll cover the most common HOA violations that could end up costing you money.

Landscaping and Lawn Maintenance

Failure to maintain your lawn to the HOA's standard is one of the most frequent offenses. This could include unkempt grass, bushes, or trees, as well as improper installation of landscaping elements.

Cost Factor: Fines can range from nominal amounts to hundreds of dollars, depending on the HOA's bylaws and how long the issue goes unaddressed.

Real Life Example: Homeowner gets lawn violation after failing to meet HOA’s unrealistic standards: ‘We are doing everything we can’

  • Florida statute 720.3075 states that homeowner's association rules cannot prohibit a property owner from planting “Florida-friendly landscaping”.
  • Municipalities across Florida have banned fertilizers containing nitrogen or phosphorus during the state’s rainy season to prevent chemical runoff, which can contaminate local water supplies. 

Exterior Home Changes Without Approval

Many HOAs require homeowners to obtain approval before making any exterior home improvements. This includes painting, roofing, or adding structures like a shed or fence.

Cost Factor: Not only could you be fined, but you might also be required to reverse the changes, which could be quite expensive. 

Real Life Example: Homeowner facing $2,000 HOA fine over new money-saving home feature: ‘Your HOA cannot ask for anything unreasonable’

Trash and Recycling

Improper disposal of trash or placing bins outside too early or leaving them out too late can also lead to fines.

Cost Factor: These fines can add up quickly if the behavior is repeated.

Real Life Example: HOA charged family $927 for leaving trash on curb too long

Parking Violations

Parking in unauthorized zones, parking too many vehicles, or storing a large vehicle like an RV or boat without approval can get you into trouble.

Cost Factor: Towing costs, in addition to any fines, can make this a costly mistake.

Real Life Example: North Side HOA threatened to tow vehicles for parking on public streets - The HOA president-elect says they have now backed off the plan

Noise Complaints

Excessive noise during quiet hours is a common issue that can disturb neighbors and lead to fines.

Cost Factor: Frequent violations can escalate in cost and could even lead to eviction in extreme cases.

Real Life Example:  Fairbanks Ranch residents served with complaint over pickleball noise

Pet Regulations

Not picking up after your pet, letting them roam without a leash, or having more pets than allowed can all lead to fines.

Cost Factor: Aside from the fine, repeated violations could require you to remove the pet from the property.

Real Life Example: Can the HOA board limit the weight of dogs allowed in the community?

Holiday Decorations

Going overboard with holiday decorations or leaving them up too long can get you a citation from the HOA.

Cost Factor: Fines for this can vary, but they can add an unexpected cost to your holiday budget.

Real Life Example: HOA Orders Danzig to Take Down Halloween Decorations

halloween decor gone wrong.jpeg


Unpaid HOA Dues

Failure to pay your HOA dues on time is a serious violation that can result in significant financial consequences.

Cost Factor: Late fees, interest, and legal costs can add up quickly.

Real Life Example: Yes, the HOA can foreclose your home if the owner’s fees go unpaid

Short-Term Rentals and Leases

Many HOAs have strict regulations concerning short-term rentals. Listing your property on services like Airbnb without HOA consent can get you in hot water.

Cost Factor: Heavy fines can be levied, and you may be asked to compensate for any disturbances caused to the community. 

Real Life Example: HOAs flex muscles on short-term rentals

Signage and Advertisements

Placing signs in your yard, especially those that are commercial in nature, is often against HOA rules.

Cost Factor: The cost of the fine can vary but multiple violations could result in higher penalties.

Real Life Example: HOA's can ban political signs but many steps to meet and consider

Homeowner associations can ban political signs but it may be more difficult than the boards of directors anticipate.

Window Coverings

Some HOAs have guidelines on what types of window coverings are allowed. Using foil, bed sheets, or other non-standard materials as curtains could be a violation.

Cost Factor: Fines can be imposed and you may be required to install approved window coverings, adding to the cost.

Real Life Example: HOA had rules about how many plants you could have in your window

Mailboxes and Address Displays

Believe it or not, some HOAs are very particular about the type, color, and location of mailboxes or how your house number is displayed.

Cost Factor: You may have to replace your mailbox or house number display in addition to paying a fine.

Real Life Example: HOA could foreclose on home over unpainted mailbox

Unauthorized Satellite Dishes and Antennas

Installing satellite dishes or antennas without permission can be a violation of your HOA's covenants.

Cost Factor: You could be fined and also be required to remove the installation, which would add to the cost.

Real Life Example: Certain Satellite Dishes Permitted By Law


Understanding your HOA’s rules and regulations is critical to avoiding unnecessary fines. This extended list should give you a comprehensive overview of common violations that could hit your wallet. As always, consult your HOA guidelines or speak directly with your HOA representatives to ensure you're in full compliance. Being proactive can help you avoid these financial pitfalls and keep your living environment harmonious.

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