Creating a sense of community harmony and spirit is essential for fostering a thriving and connected neighborhood. Community associations play a pivotal role in nurturing this sense of belonging and engagement among residents. According to the Foundation for Community Association Research’s National Survey of Community Association Homeowner Satisfaction, the average community association resident volunteers twice a year for community-sponsored events. 

Nearly 60 percent of respondents said that they participate in community-wide events such as parties, holiday celebrations, neighborhood watch programs, and community holiday decorating.

60% of people participation graph

Increasing Resident Involvement

So, how can managers and boards increase resident involvement within community associations? The key lies in treating all residents as stakeholders and developing programs that enhance community harmony and spirit. By including residents in the initial stages of program development and actively seeking their opinions, boards can create events and initiatives that resonate with the community and encourage greater participation.

Steps to Enhance Community Harmony and Spirit

Engage Residents in Decision-Making

Involving residents in the decision-making process fosters a sense of ownership and pride in the community. Boards can achieve this by:

  • Conducting Surveys: Regularly survey residents to gather their opinions and suggestions on community events and initiatives.
  • Forming Committees: Establish committees that include a diverse group of residents to help plan and execute community activities.
  • Hosting Town Hall Meetings: Provide a platform for open discussion where residents can voice their ideas and concerns.

Organize Inclusive and Enjoyable Events

Building community spirit goes beyond informing residents about board actions and improvements. It involves creating programming that residents will enjoy and that will spur further community involvement. Consider organizing a variety of events that cater to different interests and age groups, such as:

  • Community Parties and Celebrations: Host regular social gatherings, holiday celebrations, and themed parties that bring residents together in a fun and relaxed environment.
  • Volunteer Days: Organize community service projects, such as park clean-ups or charity drives, where residents can work together towards a common goal.
  • Sports and Recreation: Plan sports tournaments, fitness classes, or outdoor movie nights to promote active and healthy lifestyles.

Promote a Sense of Belonging

Creating a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere is crucial for fostering community spirit. This can be achieved through:

  • Welcome Packages for New Residents: Provide new residents with information about the community, upcoming events, and ways to get involved.
  • Recognition Programs: Acknowledge and celebrate the achievements and contributions of residents through awards or public recognition.
  • Communication Channels: Maintain open lines of communication through newsletters, social media, and community websites to keep residents informed and engaged.

The Benefits of a Spirited Community

Community spirit means pride in a community. Spirited communities, like safe neighborhoods, have higher sale values and create an emotional equity that sets them apart from the rest. When residents feel connected and take pride in their community, it fosters a positive environment where everyone benefits. Some key advantages include:

  • Increased Property Values: A strong sense of community can boost property values, as prospective buyers are often attracted to neighborhoods with active and engaged residents.
  • Enhanced Safety: Communities with high levels of resident involvement and communication are typically safer, as neighbors look out for one another and participate in neighborhood watch programs.
  • Greater Satisfaction: Residents who feel a sense of belonging and pride in their community are more likely to be satisfied with their living environment and stay longer in the community.


Building community harmony and spirit is essential for creating a thriving and connected neighborhood. By treating residents as stakeholders, involving them in decision-making, organizing inclusive events, and promoting a sense of belonging, community associations can significantly enhance resident involvement and satisfaction. The effort to build community spirit not only enriches the lives of residents but also adds value to the community as a whole, making it a desirable place to live and grow.

Engage your community today, and watch how these efforts transform your neighborhood into a spirited and harmonious place that everyone is proud to call home.


  1. KRJ Cares. (2023). Comprehensive HOAs statistics and trends report for 2023.
  2. Ruby Home. (n.d.). HOA stats.
  3. ATTOM. (n.d.). Property data: HOA.
  4. DoorLoop. (n.d.). HOA statistics.
  5. Condominium Associates. (2020, October 10). Civic engagement commitments for HOAs.
  6. DoorLoop. (n.d.). HOA statistics.
  7. Tolley Community Management. (n.d.). Building a strong volunteer community in your HOA: Tips for success.
  8. Bloomerang. (n.d.). Volunteer statistics.
  9. Ruby Home. (n.d.). HOA stats.
  10. FS Residential. (n.d.). The six secrets to building your HOA’s volunteer pool.
  11. Community Associations Institute. (n.d.). Foundation for Community Association Research.

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